Tuesday, July 3, 2012

365 Independence Day

     One year ago today, I reclaimed my patio. Yes. My patio. Though I had helped design it, haul the supplies, and build it in celebration of my 10th Wedding Anniversary, that patio became a source of bitter boundary disputes. Not over property lines, mind you; but over blurred boundaries within my own marriage and family.  But that's not the part of the story I hope to focus on.

     Back to July 3rd, 2011. A friend and I planned to celebrate at my home while my daughter was away with her father. I planned an amazing surf and turf dinner, feuled the tiki torches, lit an assortment of candles and built a roaring fire in the pit.  Light. I was adamant that there be lots of light. 

     Following an amazing dinner, we sat back to enjoy the neighborhood fireworks show, right from the very bricks I' laid eight years before.  Mother Nature even provided zillions of fireflies.  It truly was a magical evening that shed light on nothing but possibility.

     It was clear I was relearning many things, beginning with trust. It was also obvious that the next steps of my metamorphosis would require me to leave the safety of my cocoon.  I needed to sell my house. Fast.

     Within 48 hours of my decision, I had listed my home, sold most of my belongingsonline and found a two bedroom au pair suite I could afford....approximately a quarter mile from my cocoon.  This butterfly would soon learn to soar, close to "home".

     The rest? That's what I'm working on now. The rewrite. Thankfully, I now know an awful lot about how it WON'T end. But, I won't promise you much more than that. 

     This story cannot be shared in chonological order.  Because "chronological" contains the word "logical", and this story is anything but. I've started where I feel I "started again". One year ago today.